Starting 1 Jan 2025, we’re adjusting ironing-only service prices. Thank you for your support!



“上个月闺蜜退房被扣$1500,竟因墙上一块霉斑?!” 刚来坡岛租房的宝子,这份清单能救你押金!从签约到退房保姆级教程,附送本地人才懂的 「房东坑我押金法律援助链接」~ 💼 租房前|签约时漏看1条=押金打水漂! 1️⃣ 找房先查经纪人CEA认证! 👉 新加坡房产中介必须有 「CEA绿色小勾」 才算正规!避坑口诀:无认证=无保障,被骗押金没处哭!🔗 查证链接请查收: 2️⃣ 验房时给我往“死”里拍! 📸 重点拍摄清单(房东最会挑刺的地方!): 3️⃣ 把问题写成小作文逼房东回复确认!!! 📝 模板直接抄: 🏠 租期中|做对这3件事=押金保卫成功80%! 1️⃣ 空调每3个月或半年洗1次!!一定要看合同怎么写! 保留所有收据,退房时全部要展示,少一个都会掉进坑里! ⚠️ 警告:自己拆滤网水洗?达咩!新加坡房东只认专业清洗! 2️⃣维修一定要走“小作文流程”!哪怕换个灯泡也要发消息: 第一:有些维修屋主承担;第二:后面退房时,如果因为弄坏某些东西,被扣押金产生纠纷,至少能证明这玩意儿一直需要修理 💬 “房东大大,客厅灯坏了求维修~ 请问费用是您承担还是从押金扣?”(聊天记录=法律证据!) 3️⃣禁止灵魂装修!🚫 想在墙上贴爱豆海报?用无痕胶!无痕胶!无痕胶! 🚚 退房前|押金100%到手の终极操作 1️⃣ 窗帘清洗生死时速‼️ 坡岛房东的执念: 必须专业干洗! ✅ 选能 当天取送+开官方收据 的服务。🔗 请查收我们吐血整理的洗窗帘价格攻略!!! 2️⃣ 钥匙归还の隐藏陷阱 🗝️ 千万记得:信箱钥匙/门禁卡/停车卡!(少1个扣$50!血泪教训!) 3️⃣ ⚠️ 血泪警告:坡岛退房月底为高峰,至少提前2周预约清洁和习窗帘!别等最后三天才预约!任何加急服务都要多收费!!! 最后的最后,如果按照小编给的方案,还是不幸被房东坑爹了,请拿起法律的武器,看新加坡法务怎么帮你拿回押金! #新加坡租房 #留学那些事 #南漂攻略#窗帘清洁 #退房避坑 #新加坡生活

Eazihome Laundry Selected as One of Singapore’s Best for Customer Service in Dry Cleaning Services Category!

We are thrilled to announce that Eazihome Laundry has been recognized by the Straits Times as one of Singapore’s best laundry and dry cleaning service providers for our outstanding customer service! 🎉 This recognition is a testament to the dedication and care we put into every garment, from delicate wedding gowns to everyday laundry needs. […]

Why Should You Join a Laundry Franchise?

There are several reasons why people may choose to join a laundry franchise: It’s important to note that joining a franchise is not for everyone, and it’s important to do your due diligence and research before making a decision. It’s important to consider your own skills, interests, and financial resources and ensure that they align […]